I saw the surgeon yesterday for a routine check up post nipple recon.
For a couple of days I have noticed that my right breast has changed shape, with wrinkling on the outer edge and the inner part becoming more 'full'. I was a little worried as I thought it might be a capsular contracture (where scar tissue forms a hard capsule around the implant) this would probably require surgery to repair and I wasn't keen!

I mentioned this to my surgeon who had a little look and a bit of a feel and told me that my implant had turned. I have the anatomically shaped implants which are sort of tear drop shaped, the fullness at the bottom of the tear drop has turned itself 90 degrees so that it is now sitting at 3 o'clock with the tapered end pointing towards my armpit (this sounds very confusing to me so I hope it sort of makes sense...imagine a normal shaped boob turned on its side!).

He got me up on the couch and had a good old tug to try and put it back (like you do with a breach baby!) but with no luck. So now I have to decide if I would like surgery to turn it back the right way or if I would like to leave it as it is. My immediate reaction was I do NOT want any more surgery.
But when I got home I started to think how proud I was of my lovely result and how I was very happy to share pictures because I thought it would make mastectomy a bit less scary, now they're not so perfect I'm not as keen to show them off. I feel a bit silly because this was never about aesthetics and they really don't look that bad but the mastectomy gave me perfect boobs and I want them back! 

Anyway...I have made an appointment to have my nipples tattooed a darker colour than the areola to make them look even more real! That's happening on the 2nd Jan at a very ungodly hour...hopefully the xmas brandy and new year champers will have worn off by then! 
The surgeon want's to see me again after that so we can have a chat about what to do with this naughty booby!