I wanted my mum's perspective for the blog so here she is: 

Ellie had 3 things on her to do list for the summer of 2010, to pass her driving test, to be accepted to do medicine at Uni and to have genetic testing for the BRAC1 gene. She completed the first 2 with flying colours, and as they say 2 out of 3 ain't bad! She was found to have the gene ( personally I would have traded this for the driving test if you are listening God!! ) which, as a mother, meant coming to terms with something which I hoped would never happen.

I found out I had the gene when Ellie was 2 years old and I was 30, and felt sure the cure was just around the corner. Eighteen years later, still no cure but a surgical solution to put an end to the waiting and wondering. 

Ellie has spent a lot of time researching her options, she has come to her decision and I will back her 100%,but that doesn't lessen my anxiety.The thought of her undergoing surgery and in pain is almost impossible to imagine, but I must look to her future, a future without  breast cancer.

Ellie is a very precious daughter and we have a very strong bond, I am so proud of her decision and how she is helping other young women in the same situation through her blog. So, to all the mothers out there, stay strong and look to the future.

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