My partner Sean and I are medical students, we have exams in a couple of weeks, two 4000 word essays due in the next couple of months and we have just entered the real world where you have to pay bills and do your own asda shop and stuff! 
Its all getting a bit stressful at our house.

At this time all I want is for it to be the summer holiday, 3 months with no exams, revision, assignments or medical stuff. Bliss.
I said something along those lines to Sean...he tells me he is dreading summer because that is when I have my surgery.
That made it hit home a little.

Sean and I are very new, we have been together just a year  and haven't known each other much longer. He has taken on my burden without even blinking an eye. I find him more amazing every day.

It kills me to think that I am causing him extra worry, on top of everything else that he has to tackle at the moment. This is our last summer holiday, next year we start work in the hospitals and 3 month holidays are not a luxury that medical professionals are afforded.

I think I have trouble separating my worry, I'm scared to death about exams and assignments but I can't think further ahead than that. 

I plan to play this to my advantage by keeping myself as busy as possible until my surgery date.
My last exam of the year is 30th May, Sean's birthday is the 31st. My surgery is currently pencilled in for the 12th June. That gives me 12 days, during that time I have to find a new house and buy a car. I think that should fill my time!

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