I used to hate my boobs, I was so skinny when I was a teenager and my chest was much flatter than my friends. If someone had offered me a boob job when I was 14 I would have gladly accepted.

My boobs didn't get much bigger but I got over this silly hatred of my body when I was about 16. From that time until just a few months ago I haven't really though about my boobs, they're not my best feature but they're not my worst either.

When I decided to have the surgery I suddenly took notice of them and you know what, they're actually quite good boobs!
I got measured for the first time and I'm a 32D...so they're actually quite big as well!
And my partner seems to like them so I guess that's the opinion that counts!

But despite growing to love them, I don't think I will be sad to see them go. They look great, but they could kill me.
So you know what, I will give them gladly, on the one condition that cancer never dare darken my door.

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