I had my pelvic ultrasound today, to have a closer look at the outer surface of my ovaries and check for any lumps and bumps.
I thought I would be having the abdominal ultrasound and then the internal vaginal one but I only had the external scan...which was great because I discovered I had run out of razors last night and couldn't shave my legs/bikini line! 

I had been given strict instructions to fill my bladder...to drink two litres of clear liquid an hour prior to the scan not to go to the loo. 
All I can say is I'm glad they were running on schedule because I was bursting! If they had made me wait I think I would have been sick!

The scan was absolutely fine, I didn't even have to take any clothes off. Its the same format as scanning a pregnant lady...the jelly was put on my tummy, under my belly button and the lady scanned for about a minute over my bladder...little bit uncomfortable due to needing a wee! 

She told me everything looked fine but I will get the official results together with the results from my blood test in a few weeks. 

Everything has quietened down at the moment...I seem to have got through the millions of medical appointments and I don't have to see my surgeon again until the end of April. I have to say I'm glad...I had no idea how involved this would be, what with all the appointments, it was really starting to get in the way of life!
I feel very calm. I think I have had so long to worry and then get used to the idea that I just feel ready to do it, there is no doubt in my mind that this is the right thing to do and that everything will be fine.

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