Every month a patient support group is held at the RVI. Women who have had mastectomy and reconstruction volunteer to talk with and show their surgery results to women that are considering the operation. This group is for women who are losing their breast due to cancer and also women who are considering preventative surgery.

If this type of support is offered to you I strongly suggest that you go! It was so so helpful to not only talk to women in a similar situation but to see the results of reconstruction up close.

I was very nervous about this evening, thankfully my wonderful friend Sophie agreed to be my wingman and "help me pick some boobs!" 
I felt a bit out of place when I got there as I was by far the youngest and I realised some of the women had mastectomy due to cancer, this made me feel a bit of a fraud because as yet there was nothing wrong with me. Sophie told me to stop being daft...wouldn't these women have taken preventative measure if they had the chance? She was right of course, as always!

It turned out that most of the women I spoke to were BRCA and had preventative anyway!
The results far exceeded what I had dared hope. In bras you just couldn't tell and without the bras the scars were neat and inoffensive. 
The boobs also felt great! I was really worried as the implant goes under the pectoralis major muscle I thought it would feel like a body builder's pec! They felt very soft but the women did say that they were self conscious of people brushing against them as they perceived them to be quite hard.

I'm really looking forward to going to the support group as a volunteer and showing off my own scars!

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