Its a while since I updated this diary regarding my recovery, mainly because I'm kind of in limbo. I wrote about my wonky booby, its still wonky and I think the other one is heading on the wonk now as well. They look fine...they just don't look as good as they did earlier on. I am seeing my surgeon in May to discuss how we should proceed...leave them be, swap them out for new anatomical implants and hope they don't turn again, swap them for round implants so they can turn as much as they please without it mattering or steal some fat from my fat thighs to fill in the wrinkles on my wonky booby. I will see what the surgeon thinks.

Anyway, I had my nipples tattooed on around the new year. That was interesting! Its just like getting a normal tattoo really. On one side I couldn't feel it at all but on the other side it hurt quite a lot, it was a strange kind of pain because I can't feel superficial sharp pain so it was just the deep ache type pain. Not very nice but it didn't last long. The breast nurse did it in the plastic surgery clinic so that was nice, not some big hairy man at a tattoo parlour! 

I have put a couple of photos next (so again please only press the read more button if you are considering this surgery or similar, or are supporting a lady who is having this surgery)
This first photo was taken the day BEFORE my surgery. I wasn't going to put the pre-surgery picture on this blog but since those boobs don't even exist any more I thought I might as well, it might be good to see a pre and post surgery comparison. 
So to clarify these are my NATURAL boobs BEFORE my mastectomy and reconstruction.
This next photo was taken today, just over 10 months post op. As you can see there are a couple of ripples and the implants just aren't sitting quite right...making the nipples point outwards. But hopefully you can see the nipple recon, I think I will need a second session of the tattooing but I'm happy with how the nipples are looking. Now I just need to d

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